Welcome to the Florida state sub-chapter of The Zeitgeist Movement!

For more information about the world's largest organization for social change, visit https://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com for details about the global movement.

If you have not already, you may identify/register/"sign-up" as a Florida supporter/member by submitting the zero-obligation form below:

We only ask that you educate yourself and apply what you learn to leave the world better than you found it. Please "like" and follow our State chapter Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/TZMFlorida/

Currently, the best way to contact Florida chapter coordinators is by messaging your local Facebook chapter page, which can be found in the Regional Sub-Chapters directory on this site. Development of better communication channels and educational materials is ongoing. Updates will be posted here as they develop.

We already have a growing list of neighborhood chapters in towns and cities across the state, there may already be a neighborhood group near you, but if there isn't please contact us and we will make you one to get started. Because of the free and powerful toolset, chapters are currently coordinated primarily through Facebook pages and groups, but we are also developing on other platforms, and this URL serves as a connection to sub-chapters within the state and external resources related to the movement.

Current neighborhood groups can also be found in the "groups" directory of the TZMFlorida Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/TZMFlorida/groups/

If your area is not listed, please message the page admin(currently me, Aaron Frost). If your area is listed please join and introduce yourself on the group page. From there you can meet your neighbors who also promote NLRBE/TZM/TVP/Ubuntu etc.

Coordinators are essential to the organization and infrastructure of the movement! If you are willing to collaborate cooperatively and help organize members in your area, please start applying the train of thought and contact us about ways to participate further.